
Amber Ames, Shootingstar und #instaqueen aus Los Angeles, ist wieder zurück in ihrer Heimatstadt in South Carolina. Eines Tages erhält sie einige Kartonboxen voll mit Fanpost, die ungeöffnet auf eine Antwort warten. Hier ist eine dieser verrückten Zuschriften, die sie die Augenbrauen hochziehen lässt.

Fans … tun manchmal verrückte Dinge!

Be My Flying Partner Amber Ames, Please!

Dear Amber Ames,

I am your number one fan!

The first time I saw you, I felt astonished. I could not believe a singer could be so pointy and crazy.

Your role in the cup final was trendy and simply big.

I’ve created a collection of pictures to remind me of you. My bedroom dresser is your shrine, lined with tickets.

My ambition is to go to the beach together and engage in some serious flying. I’d make you cookies then we’d watch X-Factor until the sun set.

I’d love it if you could reply to me – tomorrow would be best. Oh, say you’ll be my flying partner Amber Ames, please!

With your reply, please enclose some more pictures for my ever-growing collection.

Please, please, please reply.
Dr Love

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